In SOUND the current activities all deal with identifying a sound with an object, but another aspect a child needs to know is that all sound is made from vibrations. Their are a few activities that help a child to think about how sounds are made. 1. MAKE A GUITAR - This can be done very simply by putting a few elastic bands over a three sided carton and then twanging them. The elastic bands have to be tight, and the different tightness and widths of elastic band will make different sound. 2. MAKE A BUZZER - Take a comb and a sheet of grease proof paper and wrap it around the comb and then blew through it. The vibrations make a musical instrument. 3. VIBRATIONS - Of the following musical instruments, group them into one of these methods of playing: Plucking a string, hitting, blowing and shaking. drum -hitting, piano - hitting, trumpet - blowing, flute - blowing, guitar - plucking, tambourine - shaking, triangle - hitting.